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Harness Your Own
Healing Energies Naturally

About Section
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Energy Healing

Inner Body Wellness BIE is a health and wellness business that is dedicatedto fostering the health of our customers. BIE is a modality which usesenergy medicine principles.

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Some Of The Services We Offer

We provide restoration andbalance to one's body by activating the bodies own natural healingenergies.. Whether you're experiencing pain or simply want to feel yourbest, Inner Body Wellness BIE is here to support you.

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We're all aware of the body's "hardware" (muscle, bones, organs, etc.), but did you know there's a virtual "software" of the body?
When helping individuals with various health disorders, most practitioners work solely with the body's hardware and overlook the vital importance of working with the body's software.
Do you ever wonder why taking supplements can be effective for some people and ineffective for others, or why some people won't heal even though they're doing "everything right"?
Vital life force energy (Bio-energy) fills every cell within the human body. Energy controls every metabolic process, including biochemical changes that occur within the cells. It controls the utilization of nutritional substances, the functioning of all body systems including the immune system. This vital life force energy is referred to as the "software" of the body.
BIE is a natural, effective method that assists the body's software, allowing it to recognize the "culprit" that's causing their health disorder. Using our non-invasive patented modality, energy is directed onto specific points on the body, while reintroducing the culprit's vibrational frequency. Once the body's able to recognize the stressing frequency, it will then return to a balanced state of health, thereby, alleviating suffering. Similarly, "resetting" or "rebooting" a computer clears energy blocks that cause the computer to slow down or even freeze, allowing it to return to proper function.

Our Team

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